
Below is the given Format

Copy the format and compose a gmail to

Fill everything there and put subject as Bot Request and send it

Key: () = things to fill; '' = example
Dont include () or '' in email!

Format :-

Create an Account
Email: (your email)
Password: (your password)

Your information
Name: (your name)
Age: (your age)
Country: (your country)
Time Zone: (country timezone) 'like GMT+5:30'
Platform You code on: (platform of coding) 'Replit, Command Handler/ VS code, Glitch etc.'

Discord User Information
Username and Tag: (your username and tag) 'Discord Bot Dev#1885'
Experience on Discord: (explain the experience completely)
Discord Account Age: (exact age)
User ID: (your acc user id)

Bot Information
Bot Username and Tag: 'BotInviter#1234'
Is Your Bot Verified?: (yes/no)
Bot's Client ID: (Get from
Support Server of the Bot: (
Website/Dashboard: (
Prefix of the Bot: (prefix)
Features of the Bot: (list all features, separate by ';')
Today's date: (Todays Date only (no time))

All are required except Support server and Website! Submit the italised + Bold text only

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